Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Top 10 reasons why you'd miss working

Here are the top 10 reasons you'd miss work:

10. Cubicles. Dilbert gave cubicles a bad rep. But cubicles are like a daytime slumber party. You can goof around, shoot rubber bands, and listen in on other's conversations.

9. Stress relief. The real world is serious stuff: money, health, kids, fighting with the spouse. It may be counter-intuitive, but work is where you get away from all that stress.

8. Money. Scamming people gets old; real money is hard to come by unless you're working.

7. Co-workers. Where else can you meet and interact with so many people you have things in common with? Work is a veritable cornucopia of friendship possibilities.

6. Free office supplies. Come on, we all do it.

5. Weekends and vacations. If you're not working, weekends and vacations wouldn't be half as much fun.

4. Dysfunctional boss. What else would you and your co-workers have to bitch about over beers if not your abusive, dysfunctional boss?

3. Fluorescent lights. OK, I got nothing here. They suck.

2. Anecdotes. Work provides an endless supply of dysfunctional anecdotes. Sure, you can talk about politics, religion, and kids, but those topics get old fast.

1. No housework. The only get-out-of-housework-free card I know is working. The harder you work and the more money you make, the less housework you have to do.

We love to hate it, but I think work is way underrated. What do you think?

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