Sunday, March 4, 2007

Objective of this year: Make Money!

I need more money. I never have stronger feeling of money like today. I cannot make enough money peacefully. I must do something special. But I don't know what can I do. I'm so tiny in the world.
Below are ways to make more money:
1. Get a parttime job
2. Buy lottery tickets
3. Steal
4. Rob
5. Special service provider

What kind of parttime job can I do?
a. Software Develop
b. Waiter
c. Typist
d. Salesman
e. Translation
d. Tutor
e. Maintain computer

There are so many kinds of jobs in the world, but I just list few jobs I can do. What a poor boy I am! I must think more, and choose some to do.

Just do it!

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