Friday, March 28, 2008

Celebrating Women: A Note from Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin

This entry is part of a series in celebration of Women's History Month.
As the first woman from Wisconsin and the first out lesbian elected to Congress, I can tell you from personal experience that having a seat at the table matters. I don’t have to tell you that the seat at the head of the table matters most.
The need for health care for all is the issue that brought me into politics and the issue that keeps me here. It is unconscionable that we have nearly 47 million uninsured people in the wealthiest country on earth. Because of Hillary Clinton’s longstanding commitment to that issue and her experience before and during her service in the Senate, we are really poised for an opportunity to get this job done under her presidency.
She is uniquely qualified to assume the office of President, repair the damage of the past eight years, redirect our energy and resources to solving our most pressing domestic problems, end the war in Iraq, and restore American’s moral and political leadership in the world.
I don’t support Hillary “because” she is a woman, but instead because she is the strongest, most capable candidate who happens to be a woman. I support Hillary Clinton because she and I share an unequivocal and total commitment to health care for all in this country. And nothing could make me prouder than to work with her to achieve universal health care in America.

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