Saturday, March 22, 2008

Polished Like Gold

Mar 11, 2008 4:45 AM
Polished Like Gold
from blogHillary

During the Texas-Sized Town Hall in Austin, one hundred and one year old Lenore Brieger and ninety-one-year old Jewell Hodges, recently featured in a local news story, stood up to declare their support for Hillary.

Jewell Hodges:

She didn’t know it but I have followed her all of these years. I was up to the first inauguration and I want that experience again. However, I followed her career and I followed her. I prayed with her when she didn’t know I was praying but the spirit was there.

But she had to climb up the rough side of the mountain in life when it kind of gave her that tumble. I saw her take her faith and the fruits of her divine guidance of courage, strength, and dignity, discipline, patience, and climb that mountain with determination and with the God given strength she got to the top polished like gold. And went on to prove her success in her own right to become our senator of today.

Now, why did I decide to vote for her? I’m elated that I lived to see the opportunity that America has decided to be responsive and acceptable to not only a female but an Afro-American. But I looked past all of that and I decided to look at what really our needs are. America our country is down at the foot of the mountain and we need someone that has the experience and is ready, willing, and able to bring America back up to be polished like gold.

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