Saturday, March 22, 2008

Celebrating Women: A Note from America Ferrera

This entry is part of a series in celebration of Women's History Month.

I grew up in a big family – one brother and four sisters – so my house was always a little bit chaotic. Everyone was always trying to talk over everyone else. I think it’s probably a little like that in households all across America. But every voice represents someone with unique needs, hopes, and concerns.

That’s one of the reasons I’m supporting Hillary, because I know that she’s listening to every single American, and working her hardest on all those issues that truly make a difference in their lives.

The night Hillary won New Hampshire, I danced around my living room and smiled until I couldn’t smile anymore. But after campaigning with her in Nevada, I felt more than just joy; I felt so much pride in her candidacy. When I was there with Hillary and Chelsea, I saw Hillary’s ability to hear above the noise, and to truly listen. I watched her talk with people, and hear what they were saying. I heard her recount their struggles. I heard in her voice just how much she cared about every person we met. I believe in Hillary. I believe there is no problem too large for her to solve. I believe with my whole heart that Hillary can turn this country around.

This election is too important for any woman or man to stand on the sidelines. All across the country, in places like Ohio and Texas, people are feeling the same excitement I am – and they’re going to the polls for Hillary in astounding numbers. I am excited to be in Pennsylvania this weekend on behalf of the campaign. This campaign isn’t just about Latinas, or just about women; but I’m both, and I know Hillary stands for me.

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